Panel discussion on: 70 Years of India-US Relations: Prospects & Challenges, 8th Jan 2019, India Habitat Centre New Delhi
A cuppa of coffee before a storm in a tea cup! from left:Amb.Meera Shankar,Amb to USA;Dr Denise Jorgens, Director ,International House, University of Chicago;Amb.Surendra Kumar ,Founding President ,IAFA,Ajai Shankar,former Secy to the govt of India & Sr Fellow at TERI
Dr Denise Jorgens presenting a bouquet to the former NSA Amb.Shiv Shankar Menon
Dr Denise Jorgens explaining the rationale behind setting up the International House at Chicago university & worldwide.
Amb.Surendra Kumar Welcoming the guest and introducing the theme. On his left Amb. Shivshankar Menon,former NSA & Amb.Meera Shankar,former USA
Meera's Mantra: This is all what India-US relationship is all about? Amb.Meera Shankar sharing her overview.
Swapan Dasgupta making his comments.on his right : Amb.Shivshankar Menon & Dr Arvind Virmani & on his left :Amb.Meera Shankar,Lt Gen(Retd) Satish Nambiar , Dr Denise Jorgens, Dir I.House University of Chicago & Amb. Surendra Kumar
Dr Arvind Virmani, Chairman,EGROW & former Chief Economic Adviser to the Min of Finance stressing the complexities of India-US economic relations under President Donald Trump
Lt Gen (Retd) Satish Nambiar, sharing his thoughts about the current state of Defence Co-operation between the US & India
Amb. Shivshankar Menon, former NSA explaining the strategic dimension of India-US Relations
The Triumvirate: the Journalist turned MP,a former diplomat & a former General
A view of the audience: first row from the left: Dr Anil Trivedi, Chicago University Anand Tiwari, IOC, Amb. Ajit Kumar & Ajay Shankar,former Secy, govt of India
Former Amb. Meera Shankar answering a question during the Q&A session